Whereas the Ford government has not contacted city of Toronto staff or the City Councillor regarding construction or demolition of the Foundry at the Dominion Foundry Complex at 153 to 185 Eastern Avenue;
Whereas this land contains the Dominion Foundry Complex, the largest concentration of heritage buildings to be preserved within the 80 acre precinct, and the demolition of these heritage assets would be an incalculable detriment to proper city planning;
Whereas the MZO issued for this site contradicts the principles of good, local planning that should be driven by local communities and the long-term public interest, not dictated by heavy handed orders from the province;
Therefore we, the undersigned, petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario to call on the Provincial Government to immediately stop any and all demolition activity of the Foundry buildings and to work collaboratively with the City of Toronto, communities and stakeholders on this important site, without exception.