2018 Annual General Meeting
Your Toronto Centre NDP is pleased to invite you to an important membership meeting on Sunday January 28, from 1:30pm - 4:00pm. The meeting will be held in the ballroom at the 519, at 519 Church St. This is an accessible space. Please plan to arrive at 1:30pm to confirm your membership and receive your voting cards so we may begin promptly at 2:00pm.
This meeting will serve as the Riding Association Annual General Meeting for both federal and provincial riding associations. At the AGM, a new executive will be elected. See below for a list of executive positions and information on how to express interest.
The event can also be found on Facebook.
To participate in the AGM, you must be a member in good standing of the Toronto Centre NDP. Memberships will be available at the door for new and renewing members and payable by cash, credit card, or cheque. If you have recently moved to Toronto Centre and your membership is with another Riding Association, or if you have recently joined or renewed online, please bring your card or copy of your renewal email. If you live outside the boundaries of Toronto Centre, but would like have your membership moved to Toronto Centre, please bring proof of membership as well.
Executive Positions
The Riding Association will elect to its joint federal provincial executive the following positions:
- President (Provincial)
- President (Federal)
- Vice President (Provincial)
- Vice President (Federal)
- Chief Financial Officer
- Recording Secretary
- Membership Secretary
- Youth Officer
- Women's Rep
- Disability Rights Rep
- Fundraising Director
- Aboriginal Liaison
- LGBTQ Liaison
- Ethnocultural Liaison
- Labour Liaison
- Social Convenor
- Communications Director
- Voter Contact Organizer
- Members at Large
- Provincial Council Delegates
Any member of the NDP in good standing can stand for election to the Executive. As you can see, the list of positions is quite lengthy and not all are filled every year. Gender parity is an important principle for the Riding Association in choosing an executive, as is attention to representation from the many diverse communities in our Riding. If you would like to express your interest in standing for election prior to the meeting, would like to stand for a position but cannot attend the meeting, or if you have questions about what executive positions involve in terms of time and responsibility, please email to [email protected]. Nominations, including self-nominations, will be taken from the floor at the meeting. For contested positions, each candidate will have two minutes to address the membership prior to the vote.