At our January 25, 2020 AGM, our new executive for the 2020-2021 term was elected. We look forward to continuing to build our NDP presence in Toronto Centre as we work towards re-electing Suze Morrison in the 2022 provincial election and the next federal election!
2020-2021 Toronto Centre NDP Executive
- Member of Provincial Parliament: Suze Morrison (ex officio member)
- President (Federal): Monique Chin
- President (Provincial): Jeff Slater
- Vice President (Federal): Tyler Johnson
- Vice President (Provincial): Jason Cole
- Chief Financial Officer (Federal): Emma Beattie
- Chief Financial Officer (Provincial): Ben Donato-Woodger
- Recording Secretary: Angela Zhu
- Membership Secretary: Paula Willis
- Fundraising Director: Jasmine Attfield
- Social Convenor: Madeline Lemire
- Communications Director: Allison Sparling
- Voter Contact Organizer: Lina Cino
- Youth Rep: Aneesah Choudhury
- Women's Rep: Tali Chermin
- Disability Rights Rep: Rita Brooks
- Indigenous Rep: Katias Yee
- LGBTQ Rep: Kevin Beaulieu
- Ethnocultural Rep: Kelly Skeete
- Labour Rep: Bryan Cox
- Members at Large: Ellen Tolmie, Heather Erlen , Andrew Ashley, Puria Pezeshkighahafarokhi
- Provincial Council Delegates: Jasmine Attfield, Colin Phillips, Vienna O’Shea